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A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord

A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord The Lord has blessed me with many things and even what seem small should be recogniz...

Showing posts with label Life and Death Testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life and Death Testimony. Show all posts

Child Lost in desert heat life and death

Father had reminded me of this miracle with my word sharpening word for today.

I had posted one testimony that involved my son and a neighbor's child and him seeing a demon in my son's closet A couple years later, her family and friends went on holiday camping in the sand dunes in Yuma, AZ over the Easter holiday. They would take their sand railes and ATV's to ride the sand dunes while there camping out in that desert. She believed in the Lord but was not brought up with it nor was in scriptures at all. Should she want to know something or have a question she would ask me.

Easter Sunday and I got a phone call, they did not have cell phones back then people had, so you had to drive to town to make a call. Long distance and even toll call charges were back in those days. All upset she said Cody was lost in the dunes, had taken off on his small ATV and they couldn't find him, the full group went out looking I don't remember for how long before going to town to report it. She called me asking for prayer and if I remember right she even asked me to call my parents, which was my custom back then anyway. They had been told a child doesn't last long out there with no water etc. and put up a helicopter air search for the child. I of course prayed and called my parents to pray for him.

She would be fed information, the helicopter had spotted the ATV but the child was no where to be found so searching continued. For myself just trusting in the Lord, I didn't hear anything till she called me later that day they were in the hospital and she let me know they had found the child. He was totally dehydrated, and put him on IVs and they told her that it was all the candy he had eaten (sugar) they felt that even kept him alive.

Praise the Lord for answered prayer, and yes your prayers can be miraculous on behalf of family and friends even if your only calling is a wife, mother staying home raising children.


Psalm 146:5 (KJV) Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37 (KJV)

Lost in Blizzard Life and Death

Man survives 2 weeks in car

The link above is to one of the many news articles regarding my nephew who was lost in a blizzard in the mountains 2 weeks. I was not called right away on it. It must have been a couple days later I was called asked to pray and was told Daryl was lost not able to be reached to even check for him.

When I was called I immediately ask Father to put a hedge of protection around Daryl (Eze 22:30, Job 1:10) and to let someone get through to him and find him. Things went on so long, yet every time my nephew popped into my mind I would lift him up with the same request from Father. It was truly a miracle, you can read the story if interested. God is so good and I praise the Lord for the protection He provided and answer to prayer.  Not only was he found but didn't loose any fingers or toes.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37 (KJV)

Life and Death Heart Attack

Walking with the Lord since my 20's, I of course had learned to call upon the Lord myself first thing. Not call asking for prayer till after I had prayed myself calling on the Lord. Then reaching out to others asking for their prayers I would then do. When you are in emergency type situations, your first reactions might be all you have time for.

Yes many survive heart attacks, really only a specialist knows the difference in types of heart attacks. Myself and most have no clue really. I got a phone call from Ray a friend of my husband, they had gone golfing that morning and played a big course and walked it, pulling their clubs behind them. Kentucky is full of hills on large golf courses especially. Ray called said: "They are taking Bob to the hospital, he told me to call an ambulance. He was so weak he had me drive us back home to my house". I told him I would meet him there we hung up. First thing out of my mouth to the Lord was: "Father put a hedge of protection around Bob (Eze 22:30, Job 1:10)"

Now I was closer to the hospital than they were so I knew I had a bit of time. Next thing I did was call my believing sister for prayer telling her about the call. She prayed on the phone with me and prayed part of the same thing I had prayed plus added more. I then went to the hospital. Now I had a peace after doing and praying, so felt the Lord was in control as He always is.

Ray got to the hospital and was filling me in on their golfing. Bob had to quit before finishing the 18 holes. Bob had arrived, but they wouldn't let us back there as the Doctors were waiting his arrival from the call put out by ambulance drivers. Ray had told me they did EKG on him and gave his some baby aspirin to shew up. We waited in the waiting area they had sent us to, it was a couple hours before we heard. The Doctor came out and told me Bob was in a waiting area to be taken to intensive care. Emergency surgery was done while the other Doctor was keeping Bob alive with heart pressing with his hands. Bob had had a massive heart attack and died on the table while in the presence of the 2 doctors, a specialist on call and another doctor helping.  One Doctor keeping him alive while the other did and put an emergency stent in.

I do not understand even to this day because I have no understanding of heart attacks the severity and miracle that did happen. It was a miracle and news of it got out in the hospital staff people men and women would have to come see and meet this man. That I don't think happens, even the ambulance drivers came to see him again in intensive care. Some ask Bob if he was a spiritual person. What a question, so whatever my lack of understanding, this was a never happen type thing.

I finally the next day met the Doctor who did the emergency surgery. He had a machine brought in and told me this would show him the damaged area's of the heart. Shocked he was doing the test and just a tiny front portion even showed up. More staff people came to see Bob.

Bob when released did the routine therapy exercising all go through. We would see the specialist about once a week. Finally the last testing was at the Doctors office with a treadmill and all wired up with different equipment. He passed the tests and the Doctor said to Bob and I he was surprised but there was no evidence of even having a heart attack. The Doctor said the only way someone would even know was by reading his medical charts. Nothing showed. The Doctor said Bob was the reason he became a doctor!! What a statement, I have no idea what he totally meant by that comment.

The Lord protected in all areas and it was a witness to many at the hospital. Praise the Lord for being in charge and the miraculous healing with no damage to the heart. Praise the Lord.

Psalm 46:1 (KJV) To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 


Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37 (KJV)

A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord

A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord

The Lord has blessed me with many things and even what seem small should be recognized by people. This testimony however is a great one to me and saving of my child's life. It might help to have some background about me. I was raised a Christian with parents that followed the Lord. When younger and married you tend to get busy with things in your life and the Lord sometimes gets put on the back burner so to speak. My parents would always have the Lord in conversations, I knew the Lord and had quite a bit of knowledge in things from my rearing.

I had asked my neighbor to watch my sons while I quick ran to the store. I had 2 children, sons, one 6 and one 3 years of age. When I got back my neighbor was upset came running, said my youngest son and her son were jumping on her couch and my son Joshua fell off it and hit the table seemed fine but the side of his neck got very very swollen. Now, my mother- in-law, was the supervisor of surgery at the hospital, so I called her. She instructed me to bring her Joshua up to surgery. I did so and she had one of the surgens look at him a Dr. Cohen. Dr. Cohen wanted him admitted to the hospital and tests were run on Joshua. He kept swelling and come to find out he had a staff infection in the blood. Dr Cohen did emergency surgery on him and put a drainage tube in the side of his neck.

Joshua continued to swell, they had started antibiotics right away IV on him. The next day as I spent the night his full face was swollen you couldn't recognize the child and he wasn't talking. I stayed all day till my husband got there to sit with him so I could go eat and get cleaned up and come back to the hospital to spend the night.

Upon getting home I noticed the house cleaned for me and knew my husband didn't do it. It was my best friend who was also watching our eldest son while I was at the hospital. I called my parents to inform them knowing they would pray. All the sudden a knock on the door and enters my girl friend, I think I thanked her for the cleaning but don't remember. She came to tell me what had happened while she was cleaning. She had brought over and sent to Josh's room to play, her youngest son, Cody who was 2 1/2 years old. She said all the sudden Cody yelled for her and said: "there's a devil man in Josh's closet". My girl friend said she didn't even know he knew the word devil so couldn't believe it. Cody stayed by her, she quick finished and went home. She knew my family relationship with the Lord, felt she needed to let me know. I thanked her told her I was going to get a shower and go back to the hospital and my husband would be back home, I would be spending the night again.

After she left I jumped up and grabbed my Bible and went yelling through my house binding Satan casting him out of my house and away from my family. I put my Bible on the kitchen counter with my purse to take it with me and went got my shower and ate something and headed back to the hospital. When I arrived I asked my husband if Josh spoke to him anything and he said no. He looked even more swollen... I brought the Bible to the hospital and set it at the table and my husband left to go take care of our eldest son.

It was like I heard my mom, she often would say "there is life in the word" so I sat down and dropped open my Bible, it ended up in Matthew somewhere I don't remember but I just started reading out loud. Dr Cohen stopped by to check on him before leaving the hospital for the night and said he would see me in the morning. I started reading out loud until I fell asleep myself. All the sudden I heard Josh say "mom why did you stop reading!!" Shocked I was and a miracle had happened my son spoke, but it was dark so didn't notice the swelling.  I continued reading out loud till I fell asleep again.

Dr Cohen showed up very early woke me turning lights on and was shocked to see my Joshua and said to me: "I thought we would loose him" That was really when I knew it was life and death.  I was shocked also all the swelling was gone.  Praise the Lord.   Life was truly in the word and I received a miracle from the Lord.  I just Love Him.  His blood tests were good and I was able to take him home.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37 (KJV)
