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A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord

A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord The Lord has blessed me with many things and even what seem small should be recogniz...

Showing posts with label Wonders - Awe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wonders - Awe. Show all posts

God Confirms Instruction To My Children

When God confirms instruction it is an awe and wonder to me. Of course I was in the word but still younger, my eldest son had just gotten his drivers license. He had asked to use the car he would be the driver for a few friends. There was a party they were talking about going to at a friend of theirs from school. This would be the first time my son would be the driver with his new license.

As a parent mom, I knew it was time for my son to start paying attention to what my mom always called a check in your spirit.. meaning something isn't setting right here. You couldn't pin point exactly what it was.. a feeling etc. I had to try to explain this to my son.

So I reminded him of all the times he and his brother would get upset at me asking me why can't I go, why, why. They never got an answer back then other than because I said so!! I told him all those times I said no, I would get a check in my spirit that something was not right. I couldn't explain it but you would experience it with your children, then you would gain more understanding. I said I won't be there and you are going to have to listen to the spirit within you. If there is not peace about it then it is not God. So a peace should always be with you.

We let our son take the car and be the driver. About 2 hours later, our son came home and sat in the living room chair, quietly. I said what happened? He said when he got to the party he didn't feel right but couldn't talk the others into not going in as that was the plan. So my son told them he was not going, and he would come back later to pick them up, and he was just going to go driving around. When he got back to pick them up, there was a police patty wagon loading up all those kids, so he came home.

Praise the Lord and the listening to that quickening the check in his spirit, Almighty God made a imprint to me, nothing I could have done could have done, and was done with instruction right away.  That is God to me people, and I was in awe and thankful.

How a Child Explained the Trinity

I was young and my sons were young, I didn't know how to explain Father, Son and Holy Spirit all being one. I was finally led to ask them telling them that God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit were just ONE God, did they understand that? I was in awe of God when I heard the response, they said yes they understood it, I ask how? They said it is like the transformer, a toy they had that was just 1 toy but turned into 2 other things having 3 different looks and actions. I was like wow Lord you were right:

Matthew 11:25 (KJV) At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

They had used a toy to explain the ONE in 3.

Court Room of Almighty God

Decreeing Something Is It Ok To Do?

Well I never thought about it before till the Lord gave me a two word search "decree light". Well there was just one verse with those two exact words.

Job 22:28 (KJV) Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

Well I had learned and grew in the Lord well enough to stay in "out of the mouth of God" as Messiah said. Messiah also said "It is written" and "It is Finished" so this was my argument to the Lord and I told Him I wouldn't do it for these reasons. The church at that time was really pushing people to decree things and I didn't agree with it for the reasons I stated to Father. I take out of the mouth of God to him when praying for things as well. Scriptures said by God or Messiah (God) are more powerful words than my words.

I had been walking a long time and the Lord then next with my discomfort started giving me words for scripture after scripture of different prophets, till I had a full page of them!! I told Father I would decree His words until He released me, so I read them out loud each morning decreeing them. Once released from it I deleted the page it went on for I don't remember how long weeks I think.

So should a person decree things, my answer would be to do it the way Father then did with me, find His words to stand on not mans words in scripture. I felt I had taken up the cross and followed Him, not following me.

The thing that always stood out to me in the book of Job is what stopped the attacks on him:

Job 42:10 (KJV) And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.

Do we pray for our friends?

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37 (KJV)
