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A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord

A Testimony and witness of the Power, Love of the Lord The Lord has blessed me with many things and even what seem small should be recogniz...

Vengeance Is Mine

We had moved from Arizona to Kentucky as husband was a contractor. He had worked there on a 6 month contract about a year prior to this time when we in fact made the move. They wanted him in Kentucky. He was working for them again from home in Arizona prior to the move. He had asked a friend from KY to see if they could find a house for us to rent. They found an older home up on a hill for us, so we sent a deposit to hold it till we could get there to see it. Less than a week and we had moved, driving a Ryder truck with our belongs in. We had left the home in Arizona vacant and up for sale.

When we got to town, we drove over to view the house that we had a deposit down on. It was a nice older house inside from what you could see, but my husband opened the electrical box inside in the house and woe what a mess, looked like a rats nest of long wire twisted all up stuffed inside it. We refused the home and asked for our money back. That house wasn't fit for anyone to live in. I had taken pictures of it while we were inside inspecting. We attempted to find a way to get our money back and found no help.

We found in the paper that same day another smaller house with a single garage and were able to get it immediately it was a newer home. We got our things moved in and filled the garage with extra things that would not fit in this small home. I was thankful to get a place that fast. I was the one looking into getting our money back when the Lord said to me: "vengeance is mine, saith the Lord" well I knew the scripture:

Romans 12:19 (KJV) Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

This is one of the few scriptures in the epistles of Paul that he said "saith the Lord". I stropped looking to try to get our money back and wondered if I would ever hear how the Lord would handle it.

A couple of weeks later I heard what happened to the man and the house!! A water main inside that locked up home had burst and flooded and rouined the house, it was not caught till water that would escape out the door had finally crossed the road down that hill. The water bill was tremendous plus it rouined the floors etc inside the home. I was like wow Lord thank you that I even got to hear and thank you for watching over us and not permitting another to even move into that place. Praise the Lord!

Psalm 20:1 (KJV) To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee;